As part of an environmental goal and responsibility, 737 NORTH MICHIGAN has aggressively pursued sustainable operating practices combined with achieving operating energy efficiencies. As such, the following is a list of current sustainability practices at 737 NORTH MICHIGAN:
Energy Efficiency
Several lighting retrofit projects have been completed within common areas. Recent lighting upgrades have reduced the properties electrical consumption by over 100,000 kilowatt hours per year, with further projects planned in 2011 and going forward.
Installation of time clocks and occupancy sensors in storage spaces and common areas throughout the project.
Property registered for Energy Star as a means to continually review and create a benchmark for energy consumption.
An enhanced recycling program has been proactively marketed to include bottles, cans and plastic within the central collection areas of each tenant’s space. Additionally, every building occupant has a desk side container for paper and cardboard recycling..
A proactively marketed technology waste recycling program that includes the removal of all electronic debris; computers and their components, ink/toner cartridges, cellular and business phones, printers, batteries, cables, CD’s, etc.
Recycling rate requirement of 70% for contractors for all building work inclusive of tenant build-outs in accordance with USGBC requirements.
Water Efficiency
Installation of low flow urinals, low flow toilets, low flow solar powered faucets, and automatic soap dispensers are being installed in all washrooms as restrooms are upgraded throughout the building.
Green Vendor Contracts
Green seal cleaning products, supplies and equipment are used by the janitorial staff throughout the building.
Sustainable scopes incorporated into service agreements in accordance with USGBC requirements.
Electric Vehicle Charging stations. Bike to work program offered at no cost to tenants.
Indoor Air Quality
Usage of MERV 13 rated fan filters for better IAQ.
Sustainable Purchasing
Prioritize spending on products that are environmentally sound and socially beneficial. Environmentally preferable office supplies are purchased to the highest extent.
The property encourages sustainable purchasing for durable goods in effort to minimize the harmful environmental impacts of this equipment. All electronic office equipment and appliances purchased by the Office of the Building must be energy star rated products if offered on the market.
Tenant Education
Annual observation of Earth Hour to promote awareness on global warming.
Earth Day/ Green Week – annual celebrations.